
My Older Glider

I had a flight with my older glider, MXC2, in strong wind.  It is 5 years old, and slightly loses stability in rough condition.  


It was Cure.

I tried to ride CURE (EN-C).  it was really the wing, which was designed by Bruce.  It has stability of EN-C grade, but it will work actively. It made pitch-down as I did.  XD   I could trust its stability.


Rape Blossoms

Around the Landing site, there are a lot of field mustard.  Their yellow flowers are so cute in these days.


Cherry blossom in  our Area got its season.


The Stone Pit

This stone pit is one of the big target in outside of Southern border of the Shishiku Area.  I reached that today, but I could not reach the landing point. X(