
Not So Gooood.......

I believed that it would be good flight condition, but it was really stressful condition to enjoy flight. Actually, it was high humidity and warm sea breaze had come to the Area. I carefully chose the timing for flight but I just spent one hour around the Launch.


No Doubt!

It's now in rainy season, but there are no rainy days in these days. So, Shishiku Area recently had very very gooooood flight condition! We are sure to get big flight tomorrow! XD


Good Condition!

Today, we had a chance to gain hight. Foutunately, I could reach 1200 m. I really enjoyed the beautiful view of Mt. Hakusan. Mt. Hakusan got early summer style. XD
The orange-color paraglider is Niviuk PEAK, which came from Nyagoya.


No Chance? A Little Chance?

I am afraid wether I would have a chance to leave the earth to the sky in the next weekend. I probably have to do work in next Saturday, and also the weather will not so good. Anyway, I just do my best.


Friday Night in June

I wonder wether we can fly evry Friday night. Tommorow, it will be slghtly rainy in the morning. However, it will get better in afternoon. One problem is CLOUD BASE! The matter is humidity!


Cold Front

Small front of cold air often came to our Area in this season. It was sometimes invisible. We have to be careful, but it is not easy.