
Pizza House

There is a nice pizza and pasta restaurant in the Shishiku Area. This is in the round shape building in the above Photo. I have been there twice. This mounth, they had special menu, "Chocolate Orange Pizza". ;)


Director of The Area

I am going to be a member of the directors of the Shishiku Area from this April.


The Launch in Winter

This Photo is The Launch of the Shishiku Area last Saturday. Snow gave us slope to launch anywhere. X-)


The Elementary School Moving

The Asahi Municipal elementary school is one of the guideposts in our Area. It will move to South, and we can see the construction place there. Last autumn, its construction was begun.


ARTIK As a Relief

I chose Niviuk ARTIK, not Skywalk POISON yesterday, because ARTIK has better stability. Fortunately, backwind was not so strong, and I could enjoy flight for 1 hr.



Hakusan means "white mountain". Today, we got altitude with the ascending current, and saw its beautiful view in winter. It was the first soarable day of weekends in 2011.


White Field

This year, we had a lot of snow in North Japan. I love to looks out on this white field from the sky.


Next One

My old 2-3 wing, Skywalk POISON, was so unstable in strong SW wind in last Sunday. I am, now, seriously thinking about next wing. Candidates are O8, P3 and M4.


Flight in Feb

We had flight today. We needed high skill and hard work to launch. Of cause, we also had to work hard after touch-down. :-)